Sunday, November 27, 2011

Antigone paper: Creon is guilty

Creon is guilty of unintentional man slaughter for the deaths of Antigone, Haimon, and his wife Eurydice. Creon drove all three of these people to kill themselves. Creons over confidence and pride, is what caused him to lose his own family members, pushing them to the point where they felt they needed to commit suicide.

Antigone was creons neice(and daughter in law) and all she wanted was to give her brother polynieces a proper burial, but creon was against this idea because he believed that polynieces was a traitor and that he did not deserve a proper burial. As a consequence for Antigone creon sent her away to a far off cave. Eventually Creon changed his mind " I've changed my mind since I'm the one who tied her up I'll go and set her free myself" ( Sophocles 1243). Although by the time Creon had gotten there, it was too late, Antigone had already hung herself.

Haimon being Antigones fiance was torn up about the fact that his soon to be wife had been killed. Soon after the messanger came to town sharing the dreadful news that, Haimon had killed himself. " by his own hand angry at his father for the murder" ( Sophocles 1310). Once Eurydice had heard about her sons death she killed herself also. The messanger shared this news with Creon " She killed herself with her own hands she stabbed her belly once she heard her sons unhappy fate" ( Sophocles 1460)

Creon did not expect for any of these murders to happen that is why they are named unintentional man slaughter, but because of the way Creon treated Antigone these tragic deathes were the result.